Section 504

Section 504

Every student with a disability is protected from discrimination under federal law—Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This law prohibits discrimination based on disability. All Washington state public schools must comply with this federal law. KSD does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its educational programs and activities.

What is a Section 504 Plan?
A 504 plan is a written plan that describes the educational and related aids and services that a district determines a qualified student needs to receive a Free and Appropriate Public Education. The content of a 504 plan may change within a school year or between school years as a students needs and services change. For a student whose only disability is a life-threatening health condition, an individual health plan or nursing care plan may serve as the students 504 plan.

Who qualifies as a disabled student under Section 504?
A school-aged student is considered disabled under Section 504 if the student: Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

Major life activities include, but are not limited to, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and working. The operation of a major bodily function, including but not limited to, functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive functions.

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has additional information about Section 504 and Student with Disabilities, including a Parent and Education Guide to Free and Appropriate Public Education (Section 504).

More information about student rights under Section 504 are outlined on the Notice of Parent/Guardian and Student Rights for Section 504.

OSPI Students' Rights Information Sheet: Section 504: Disability Section 504 (

Section 504 Contact:
Jenny La Frenier
Elementary Principal and Special Education Director